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Lesson Plan (Buddies Session)

Wednesday 07/05/13
Teacher/Mentor: Kate Wiffen
Pre-Service Teacher: Michael Ghali

Introduce myself to students.
Students will then be asked to sit in groups of three or four at most. It is preferred that the
group has students of different age groups.
1. Words starting with the Letter? (15-20mins)

Advise students that group work will be pivotal in winning this game.
This game will be played twice in order to give all the teams enough chances to
The teacher will begin thinking of the alphabet in his/her head once a
designated student says start and will stop thinking of the alphabet once the
other student says stop.
The letter the teacher stops at will be the letter that each group will use to write
as many words as they can possibly think of under each of the categories given
to them. The words placed need to start with the letter that was initially given
by the teacher. The students will be given a few minutes to complete the task in
their groups.
Once time is up, then the teacher will go around the class asking each group
what/how many words theyve identified for each category.
If the word was also written or mentioned by another group, then this word is
cancelled and cannot be counted towards the group word tally.
The team at the end with the greatest number of words that begin with the
letter initially given win the game and earn 5points.

This activity is undertaken to promote engagement between students of

different age groups and encourage students to be creative under pressure.
Groups can achieve a possible total of 10 points if they win both times.
2. Puzzle Game (15 mins)
Each group will be given a bag that contains the pieces they need to put
together in order to complete the puzzle and reveal the picture.
Students can colour it in if they wish.
3. Who Am I? (15mins)
Break the class into groups of 3 or four.
Have one representative come up to the front.

Each representative will sit at the front with his/her back to the whiteboard and
facing the rest of the class.
Each representative will get a turn at guessing who they might be (famous name
written above their head).
The group that he/she belongs to are the only ones allowed to respond to
his/her question(s).
The group can elect to act out some things to help the individual at the front
guess the character/word.

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