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he fundamentals for gold and silver worsen with each passing week, it seems, yet the price for

gold and silver still

languish in down trends. If everything is as precarious as is depicted in so many other articles citing how PMs are in
dire straights, for the same deteriorating reasons presented with pinpoint numbers, as in reduced stocks of deliverable
metals, increased transfers from West to East, why are gold and silver still near recent lows for the past two years?
No one has offered answers to such a glaring fundamental discrepancy of excessively low supply, exceptionally strong
demand and totally manipulated price.
We remain of the mind that the elephant in the room that no one sees is the reason why PMs continue to be held
hostage: the all-powerful elites, the New World Order, call them what you will. There is a seemingly invisible hand
directing world affairs in ways few people can comprehend, and it is that inability to connect the dots that keeps the
elites in power and the remaining people in the dark. This is an over-simplification, but on point.
The modus operandi of the elites, grandfathered by the House of Rothschild, fathered by Mayer Amschel Bauer, who
adopted the better sounding name "Rothschild," for the red sign that used to hang over the entrance of his house. No
one has practiced the art of deception more than the group that sprung from the cunning mind of this man who
understood the power of interest and translated into practice to gain control of the European governments, and
ultimately, the entire Western world.
Fast forward to today with total control of money, via central banks, that dictates to Western world governments. The
elites have unlimited numbers of important heads of go

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