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Jesse Fortenberry


Jesse Fortenberry

table of

Event Ad
Business Card
Photo Design


A color full-bleed event ad to promote an event using only Microsoft
Word and a scanner
Oct 11, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Espson Scanner
Microsoft Word
Scan high quality images, create and event add using text and
edited images to create a full bleed ad.
I first scanned the image of the African boy that I pulled from a issue
of National Geographic. I fell in love with the image and the first
event that came to mind when I looked at this photo was, soccer ball
charity event. After scanning the image I put it into Microsoft Word
and started putting the layout together. The logo in the bottom right I
found on the web and loved the look of it and I loved the look of the
color red with the teal background. I then decided that red had to be
my primary color to put a focal point in the piece. People really dont
realize how powerful Word truly can be at designing fliers or even
logos. Programs I used include: Microsoft Word, Cannon Scanner, converter)


A double panel brochure in booklet style
Dec 7, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Develope a brochure with at lest one fold in it to effectively
communicate a message.
I used Adobe Indesign to design a double panel brochure for Mormon Helping Hands. I choose the booklet layout because I felt that
it could be easily massed produced and is more feasible for the
organization to actually print. I designed a total of 8 pages that all fit
with the overall layout of the brochure. I used yellow through out the
brochure with grey background to make the reader associate with
the logo as they read the brochure and the information presented
in it. I choose photo throughout that evoked a sense of emotion of
both sadness and hope to be able to help those people less fortunate. I used photoshop to make all my photos to have a grey a tint to
them and to also trim the images for the mac and the i-phone in the
page that demonstrates the app Philanthropy.


The thought was to create an image that looked like it belonged in a
creepy attic in an old house. We also needed to include a quote that
was spiritual in some way on a design made using three photos and
two textures, while also making sure the typography matched the
mood of the design.
Oct 25, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Photoshop
Develope a montage with more than three photos and include a
Well my process was actually quite lengthy this week, I think I
remember counting 76 layers on the image including my lighting
layers. So the basics was taking the background image including
the chair and cropping in a 1950s deep see diving helmet. After
that I needed an image to pull my clouds from so I started cropping
those in and I would put a mask over it to help make it look like it
belonged. I have about 10 different angles of the same cloud in this
image. Next was to get rid of the of the legs from the background
photo. Instead of using the content aware feature I used the stamp
tool and healing brush to produce parts of the image that werent
originally there. The reason I choose this is because the computer
couldnt do as good of a job using content aware as I could.


Business cards and letterhead design for a company in China using
a self made logo and design.
Nov 9, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Develope a letter head for a company using illustrator and using
good design principles.
This week was the first week I used all of the Adobe programs for
different uses within the same project. First I sketched the dragon
logo in my sketch pad. I took a photo with my phone and put it into
illustrator. I used the ellipse tools to make the dragon on top of my
sketch that I did. The dragon took the most time getting it right I
used about 40 circles in all to make everything from the body to the
eyes. Once that was done I proceeded to the typography in a style
that was similar to calligraphy to go along with the Chinese theme.
Then after that to get my textures and get the text to look like it was
printed on the skin, I put everything in Photoshop as a smart object
and began to use masks on the shapes to make them look like one
image. Overall I am very pleased with how they turned out in that it
looks like someone took a picture of some cards in real life.


Business cards and letterhead design for a company in China using
a self made logo and design.
Nov 9, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Develope a letter head for a company using illustrator and using
good design principles.
This week was the first week I used all of the Adobe programs for
different uses within the same project. First I sketched the dragon
logo in my sketch pad. I took a photo with my phone and put it into
illustrator. I used the ellipse tools to make the dragon on top of my
sketch that I did. The dragon took the most time getting it right I
used about 40 circles in all to make everything from the body to the
eyes. Once that was done I proceeded to the typography in a style
that was similar to calligraphy to go along with the Chinese theme.
Then after that to get my textures and get the text to look like it was
printed on the skin, I put everything in Photoshop as a smart object
and began to use masks on the shapes to make them look like one
image. Overall I am very pleased with how they turned out in that it
looks like someone took a picture of some cards in real life.


I found this cool little place in Rexburg, I couldnt believe it when I
found it but it was so cool. I knew that I needed to match up the angles that would show this creepy hut with its surroundings. By using
the rule of thirds I was able to give the viewer a taste of the hut and
show the forest around it.
Oct 15, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Photoshop
Capture images using different techiniques including lighting
outside and lead room
This week was first of all very stressful and the first time I had to
produce something in a quick fashion, I produced all six of the photos(more that are not included) within less than 48 hours. I wanted
each photo not to be just part of an assignment but a photo that I
could see myself seriously using in a ad campaign or general design
of mine.


This is the first week that in our class we have had to produce all
parts to our design. First we had to take the picture, edit it, and then
design using Photoshop.
Oct 19, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Photoshop
Develope a book cover using a personally shot image.
So this week I had to use everything from Cannon T3i to Photoshop.
One of the hardest things for me was to decide on which photo of
my six to choose from to make a design poster. The reason it was
hard was that I personally was drawn to one specific picture more
than this one, however I knew that I could create a better design
using my indoor shot. With the picture itself I had to make sure I had
enough lighting to show all the feathers on the owl and enough light
for the books, so I had to find the balance there first. Once I had my
picture where I wanted it I placed the photo into Photoshop, where
the real fun began. First I place a watercolor filter on top of the picture to make the picture look illustrated. After which I decided on my
text and placement of that text on the book cover. One of my biggest struggles this week was riding the line between trendy antique
and just plain old looking.w


This flier was created to invite recent graduates to a leadership conference held by vouant communications. The flier was done in black
and white and meant to attract young professional adults.
Oct 4, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe InDesign
Create a design for an event for graduate students, using
good design principles.
I first started with a sketch of my layout. Then I used my sketch as
rough guide to create my design in Adobe InDesign. Although I did
play with the positioning of the circles once in the designing phase,
I knew that they would help me create a focal point for the Body
Copy and they would create uniformity by using them in different
places around the design. I changed the contrast in all the circles
so that each one would be different and appealing to the eye. I
contrasted the different colors of font in the title with the main body
copy so that the title would catch viewers eyes as the walked by. For
this project I had a pool of images and logos to choose from and the
text was given to me. I was responsible for the layout and design of
the flier.

Depression Fighters Club


Fighters Club


Three logo ideas for an organization that aims to fight depression by
helping others and having those individuals perform service.
Nov 2, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Photoshop
Create three distinct logos the represented the organization I
choose, and had a clear message about who they are.
The number one program I used this week was illustrator. For the
first logo I really learned how to use the pen tool to create the shape
of the hands. I also used the widen tool where I could make the path
a little bit wider or skinnier. The second logo I used the shape tool
and the direct select to create the shapes in the logo. The third one
is all ellipse tool one hundred percent then when I had my circles I
used the shape builder to create the shapes for the body parts then
I would use the direct select tool to make the silhouette look more


Fighters Club


A webpage designed for a group on campus that hopes to fight
Nov 22, 2014
Comm 130 Section 01
Cory Kerr
Program(s) Tools:
Adobe Illustrator
Create a simple website using CSS and HTML describing
my thought process behind my logo.
I made this website using text wrangler. I had never used coding to
create a website before. I used text wrangler to create an html file
that formatted the layout of the text. I also used my an html validator to make sure that my code was useful. I learned that HTML is
like the skeleton of the website and the CSS file is like the muscles.
I enjoyed working in the photo and added things to the pre-made
CSS. I added opacity to the background color, I also used the CSS
format to put an image behind my text and logo. After that was done
I wanted my logo to be the first thing you see so I put it in its own div
and gave it its own background color which I shaped into a circle.

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