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Melissa Hinton

CJUS 2050
5.1 Forum
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of speedy trial laws.
1. Strengths
a. Without speedy trials, those that are being detained wont have to wait for months or
years before a guilt or innocence is determined.
b. Society doesnt feel hindered by having so many people in jail waiting on trials when
speedy trials are provided.
c. As a case becomes older, a witnesses memories diminish.
d. Increase of conviction rates
e. Less costs to taxpayers
f. Long pre-trials cause defendants to enter plea bargains
g. Prosecution avoid excessively lenient negotiated plea agreements
h. Helps misdemeanor offenders to avoid jail time, thus helps overcrowding in prisons
2. Weaknesses
a. Time constraints can cause defendants to not be able to produce enough evidence to
prove their innocence.
b. Defendant may not be able, financially speaking, to afford a better attorney and are
often forced to take public defenders.
c. If a witness doesnt show up, it can cause a great delay in the case.
d. Not all cases can be constrained to specific time frames
i. Ex: Murder trials

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