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Melissa Hinton

CJUS 2050
6.1 Forum
Describe the three most important entities in federal prosecution.
1. U.S. Solicitor General
a. 3rd ranked official in the Justice Department
b. Supervises litigation in the U.S. Supreme Court
i. Determines which cases are seen by the Supreme Court
c. U.S. Solicitor General doesnt handle all cases personally, these are left up to Deputy
Solicitors General or another government attorney.
i. Deputy Solicitors General and Assistance to the Solicitor General
1. Prepare petitions, briefs, and other papers filed by the government in
the Supreme Court
d. Decides if cases in lower courts need to be appealed
i. Participates as an amicus curiae (friend of the court) in appellate courts
2. Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice
a. Prosecutes violations of federal criminal law
i. Most frequently in felony offenses
b. Investigate violations within federal agencies such as:
i. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
ii. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
iii. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)
iv. United States Marshal Service
v. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
vi. United States Secret Service
vii. United States Postal Service (USPS)
viii. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ix. Social Security Administration
x. Also work closely with highway patrol, local and county police, and drug task
forces within federal, state, and local law enforcement offices.
c. Two federal grand juries operate in this department
i. Hear evidence in suspected violations and determine whether to return an
1. Requires that there is probable cause to believe a crime has been
2. Cannot indict without the agreement of the U.S. Attorney
3. U.S. Attorneys (94 offices)
a. Most of litigation functions of the Department of Justice is performed by these offices
and their staff members
i. Prosecution of criminal cases brought by the Federal Government
ii. Prosecution and defense of civil cases in which the U.S. is a party

iii. Collection of debts owned the Federal Government which are organizationally

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