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Chapter 7 Main Ideas

hijra Muhammad moving from Mecca to Medina, successful in Medina in gaining followers
obligation of Muslims submission
Allah was ruler
caliphs successors of Muhammad
Law and Government Allah provided law, caliph was to be military and judicial
Relationship to others simple religion
masters of the desert, neighbours dead of fighting
hold conquests through toleration and fanaticism and promise of vast rewards
Umayyads continued conquest of Islamic lands
Sunni-Shiite Schism arose after death of Muhammad
Economy and society
pastoral, lots of trade, urban artisans made fine quality products
very vibrant cities, every class on the streets
women preserving and enhancing the family, position depended on family's class
OMG!!! health, math, philosophy (classic Greece), Baghdad was the cultural center, Spain had a lot of
Islamic influence and culture
Crusades, Turkish nomads, economic dominance lost to Italians
Eastern orientation
Heraclius war against Persians, militarization of byzantine
if Empire salvaged the human race, empire will never destruct = winning a lot of wars, emperor was
holy figure
bureaucracy, very good diplomats

Economy and society
vitality of cities, wide division of rich and poor , Constantinople
great trade, wealth, Constantinople was producer of many luxury items
centered around the home, veils over heads, law placed women under protection of men

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