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Date: ___12/11/14______________________ Subject: ___Social Studies_______________________

Grade:______Sixth Grade__________
Model Digital-Age Work and learning
Timeline/Structure of Classroom:
Opening/Framing the lesson/Intro/Early Assessment
Students are given an article by way of a
website to review Montana Reservations and
what can be found on each of them.
Most students are aware of the closest
reservation to Billings Montana and are
unaware of how many others there are in
Montana and what they have to offer.

The Lesson Structure: Activities

After reviewing the article/website I will ask
each student to discuss and share via Edmodo
which Montana Reservation interest them and
Students have to reply to my posts but will not
be able to reply to peer posts.


Closing Assessment
Students that have shown an interest and
understanding of other reservations then the
closest one to Billings will receive a full
completion grade.
Those students who do not show interests or
share regarding another reservation will need to
reread and repost for full credit.


Time at home to reread article in order to
repost for full credit.


Self-Evaluation of Lesson
With completion of this lesson students will
have a broader knowledge of Montana
Reservations and some of their history and
specialties if any.

Monitor and Feedback

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