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The Colonial Era 1607-1776

Economic History of the U.S. Econ 1740

The American colonial period was a time when poverty was the norm and wars among nations
were frequent. The early English settlers suffered greatly and had capital losses in the founding of the
colonies. Europe dominated the New World for a long period of time. Great Britain was the nation that
launched industrial revolution in the colonies, in the 18th century. Trade and commerce was very
important in the New World, by the time the American Revolution came around, the material standards
of living in the colonies was very high. The period of 1763 through 1776 the colonies grew apart from
England, establishing distrust, confrontation and ultimately, rebellion.
1900-2009 Growth, Welfare, and the American Economy

1550-1750 Founding the Colonies

1614-1775 Colonial Economic Activities

1500-1800 The Economic Relations of the Colonies
1500-1775 Economic Progress and Wealth

1763 -- Three Crisis Revolt

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