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The beginning of a new era.

Began with criticism of the old regime

that only favored the French monarchy
while the rest of the population lived in
poverty and hunger caused by the
negligence of the king with the
With this social situation the population
was revolted with the government of
Louis XVI. And the first target was the fall
of the Bastille, which represented
monarchical power

The beginning of a new era.

The beginning of a new era.

The motto, equality, fraternity and liberty

was used by the Third Estate (people) to
give strength and justification of their
revolutionary acts.
Most nobles escaped from France, and
the king also tried to escape but was
captured and after judged was
sentenced to death on the guillotine.

The beginning of a new era.

In August 1789, the Constituent

Assembly canceled all feudal rights that
existed and promulgated the Declaration
of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
Also retired the privileges of the clergy
Appears different groups with different
ideas. The Girondins were constituted by
the upper gentry and the Jacobins who
were constituted by low gentry They had
different ideas of government for France

The stage of Terror

In 1792, the radicals led by Robespierre,

Danton and Marat assume the power
and organization of the national guards.
They receive orders to kill any opposition
leaders of the new government.

Directory and18 Brumaire

In 1795, the Girondins take power and

begin to install a gentry government in
The French general Napoleon Bonaparte is
placed in power after the coup of 18
Brumaire (November 9, 1799) with the aim
of controlling the social instability and
deploy a bourgeois government. Napoleon
takes over as first consul of France,
establishing a dictatorship.

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