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Church and Its Traditions Final Exam Essay Options:

Option One:
Explain in a five paragraph essay, the results and implications of the Reformation. Include
the historical context, the major issues of dispute, the significant players (at least 3) in the
story, the results of the event and the official Catholic reaction.

Post Plague
Communication (like the printing press)

Major Issues:

Ecclesiastical Corruption (i.e., Tetzel)

Use of Scripture
Faith vs. Works

Significant Players: Martin Luther

John Calvin
King Henry VIII
John Tetzil
Popes of note (Paul III)

Protestantism (what is it?)

Catholic Reaction:

Council of Trent

Option Two:
Address, in a five paragraph essay, the following points of the Second Vatican Council
1. When did it occur?
2. Where did it occur?
3. How long did it last?
4. Who called for it?
5. Why was it called?
6. What was the context for Council?
7. Who were the major players?
8. What were the outcomes of the council?
9. How did it change the Church?
10. Why is it important today?

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