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Preparing for Lab Exam 1

Lab Exam 1:
SOURCE MATERIALS: This is what is covered on Lab Exams (all ADDITIONAL
RESOURCES listed later are derived from these)
LAB MANUAL (all pages content listed in Lab Syllabus), including all terms, figures &
LAB MODELS & their MODEL KEYS: we cover only the structures in model keys,
including all functions that are listed in lab manual for those structures (copied to most
model keys)
LAB MICROSCOPE SLIDES from lab slide boxes
PROJECTED SLIDES (posted under LAB REVIEW IMAGES), including all
information on slides and all relevant cells / structures.
EXERCISE 8 from 9th edition lab manual: Classification of Body & Lining
Membranes (given with Lab 2 handout & posted under LAB STUDY GUIDES)
All LAB EXPERIMENTS done in lab
All LAB EQUIPMENT used in lab
PhysioEX exercises listed in Lab Syllabus
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (these are derivations of the above provided for your
help as study tools)
MODEL REVIEW IMAGES 4 per page images of models Labs 1-3. You can cut and
make cards from these and use for randomized practice.
Projected Slides You need to study both microscope slides and projected slides for lab
exam 1 (2 stations of microscope tissues, 5 stations of projected slides on lab exam 1)
LAB 2-3 HISTOLOGICAL SLIDES / Microscope slides: images of slides from lab
slide boxes
MODEL REVIEW VIDEOS: videos of lab models incluedes torso, cell models, skin
models. HD streaming videos of all structures on models
QUIZ 1 QUESTIONS (all thought questions on lab exam / demo exam are from quiz
questions, 12 stations out of 30 on lab exam 1!!!!)
COMPREHENSIVE LIST FOR LAB EXAM #1 (lists all terms / figures etc. you must
know from lab manual. Also has copies of all model keys & handouts from Lab)
LAB EXAM 1 DEMO TEST: an entire PINK & BLUE test, setup and photographed
with questions. Answers at end of file (note: at least 2 stations on your actual exam will
be same!!!!) Try ONE color after Lab 3, then a few days before your lab exam try the
other color.
LAB POWERPOINTS: Frank's powerpoints on labs 1-3. They include the projected
lab 1 activity, lab 2 activities (microscope slides & unlabeled projected slides), lab 3
LAB NOTES: Frank's notes on Labs 1-3 outlining major points & concepts
LAB REVIEW SHEET QUESTION KEYS: have the answers to the questions at the
end of each exercise in the lab manual

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