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Polaris K-12

Portfolio Assessment

The Passion Speech

Directions: With the goals listed below in mind, in the left hand column, reflect on your
growth/development/progress made while completing The Passion Speech.
Goal: Develop purposeful organizational plan appropriate for audience and purpose
Focus: Inviting introduction, transition statements, effective closing
Goal : Use voice and body language to enhance performance, create emphasis, and show confidence.
Goal : Integrate a supportive visual aid seamlessly into your presentation.
Goal : Offer a prepared, engaging , and professional presentation that exemplifies personal growth.

CoachlT eacher

Polaris K-12
Portfolio Assessment
The Passion Speech
Directions: With the goals listed below in mind, in the left hand column, reflect on your
growth/development/progress made while completing The Passion Speech.
Goal: Establish, improve, and refine process for preparing and presenting a formal presentation
Goal: Strive for I ersonal excellence

CoachlT eacher

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