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Swot Analysis Imprisoned

Main concept
Elliot Roberts is a common house burglar and has recently been monitoring a high
class area. This is a key point in the film where we see Elliot takes one step further
as a criminal where he becomes a rapist and a murder. Maya Sharma is 17 years old
and is a victim, parts of the plots is made to relate to current affairs in the real world.
Mayas mum and brother leave to go to the shops leaving Maya on her own.
Idea 1
Elliot Roberts walks through the area where he sees Mayas mum and brother
leaving the house. At this point he sees that they have left the door open. He walks
in a discrete manner towards the house waiting and making sure that no one is
around to see him enter the house. As he enters the house, Maya is in her bedroom
oblivious to what is happening down stairs. After having a good search down stairs
Elliot makes his way upstairs at this point Maya hears a little noise and presumes
that her mum and brother have returned. Maya and Elliot both cross paths as of this,
Elliot in reaction runs towards her to prevent her from making a reaction. At this point
Maya is terrified and fears for her safety. The clip ends on Maya being tied up and
Elliot closing the door

Idea 2
Elliot Robert is in Chigwell (location where Mayas house is) and he is coming to
monitor the area to plan out his next break in. At this point Mayas mum and brother
have already left the house (we do not see this in the opening). As Elliot walks past a
few houses he notices Mayas front door has been left open. He is curious and
decides to enter the house, the only thing he has with him is rubber gloves. He
enters the house and starts to look around; at this point Maya is up stairs taking a
nap. Elliot then makes his way upstairs and notices Mayas door slightly open. This is
the point of disruption in the narrative where Elliot then enters the room, rips the bed
sheets of while grabbing Mayas face. It then fades out from here where we see Elliot
walking out of a forestry area

Little cost to produce and edit

Strong communication with the team
Props needed are easy to obtain
Parts of the story line could be related to
similar situations that people may have


We start to film in October which

meaning it will get dark quicker which
can affect the footage filmed which
causes problems in post productions.
If any team member is absent for when

faced in the real world

The twists in the plot makes the film more
entertaining to its target audiences

Intense opening sequences
creates a sense of mystery at the end
Looks simple , meaning twists can easily
be created without the audiences being
aware of it
Storyline means we can be as creative as
we want with the shots used
sound effects and scores can be used to
create a more intense atmosphere and
the video a more polished look
the pace of the video can be played on
throughout the film keeping the
audiences attention
restricted time scale can be met
Codes and conventions of a thriller can
easily be met and played with to make
the film less predictable.

Past experiences from our media
teachers and past students who can give
tips and teach us skill before filming
which can help improve and raise the
standard of our production
Opportunity to develop my experiences of
High quality filming equipment
High quality editing software and
Developing as a team
Improve communication with each other
To create a high quality opening
sequences that meets the codes and
conventions of a thriller.
Glimpse of what its like in the filming

we film, edit or meet up to discuss

progress/ideas it could affect the entire
grade as we can become less
productive meaning less work is done.
Not all members are familiar with
blogger or
Many thrillers have been made before.

May require a lot of dialogue which if not
recorded right with the right equipment
could sound poor
Could go over the 2 minute mark which
will cause us to be marked down
Could lose the audiences attention as o
the predictability
Could be harder and may take longer to
Sound used may not fit which could ruin
the atmosphere created throughout the
More than 2 filming dates will be
required to get a good amount of shots
that are to a high level.
Actors could be busy, unreliable and
could be uncooperative
Weather on the day of filming could
affect filming i.e. snowing, raining.
Possible refusal to film in our selected
Camera equipment could be booked by
people from other groups which delays
the time of production
Technical problems with the camera on
the day of production
Footage could become corrupt between
filming and upload of data
Damage to the camera while traveling to
and from the location of filming

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