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Ryan Logan

English 2030
Reflection Summary
Professor K. Johnston

Reflection on Language in U.S. Society

Initially I was not sure what to expect of this course. There are many directions the class could
have taken, from long drawn out lectures to disorganized conversation with people talking over
each other. However Kathleen has a way of conducting the classroom and focusing on
productive dialogue. I appreciate here approach and the way topics and strategies are presented.
One of the most influential pieces of the course was discussing Del Hymes speaking model. The
Mnemonic S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G helped provide greater understanding of Ethnographic strategies. I
used this speaking mnemonic several times on three different projects as well as analyzing
individual speech events. Language in U.S. Society allowed me to look at important or hot
button topics in a more in depth approach by pulling out the subtleties and queues in language
that allow to find greater meaning.
A great example would be an analysis of The Presidents State of the Union Address on the
conflict in Syria and Iraq. We analyzed how specific words are placed to command control
attention while others are placed to be comforting and assuring. Something that I noted that
happens to be less subtle and not directly spoken, Is the color choice of ties and accessory
apparel of the presenters. For instance the color Red is used to associate power where blue and
white are more passive and neutral. Granted these are not groundbreaking examples by any
means, but at least you as the reader will understand the purpose of course.
I would strongly recommend taking such a course and opening the doors to language that might
not have been accessible otherwise.

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