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spcm 200 syllabus addendum

Contact Information
Seth Willden
Behavioral Science Building, Room A208

Office Hours and Communication

Office hours for this course will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00pm - 2:30pm.
If you cant make it during office hours, you can always make an appointment.
Please allow for a 24 hour response time when sending an e-mail.

Technology Use
Laptops, iPads, and tablets are a legitimate way to access information. Please do not use these as
a way to distract yourself and others from class. Please be respectful of the instructor and your
fellow classmates. Please do not text or answer e-mails during class.

Speech Day Attire

Please note that on your speech day, you are expected to dress professionally. We will discuss
dress in detail as the semester progresses.

Quizzes (100 points)

In lieu of a midterm examination, there will be two quizzes (50 points each) given during the semester.
These quizzes will be closed book and will require you to read the assigned material as well as attending class
and taking notes. The quizzes will be a combination of multiple choice, short answer and essay questions.

Participation and Reflection Questions (100 points)

Reflection questions are brief written pieces at the beginning of a class to aid in recall from course readings
and/or previous lectures for class discussions. They will be used randomly throughout the course. If you are
absent or tardy and miss a reflection question, you will not receive credit. Participation in the class will be
evaluated by the instructor in several categories and will include in-class activities, impromptu speaking, and
practicing civility in a classroom setting.
Contesting a Grade
If you are unhappy with a grade you earned
on an assignment, you must wait 24 hours
before you formally lodge a complaint. You
must write a one page response detailing
why you disagree with the grade you earned.
These will be turned into me during
office hours.

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