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Cairo, Egypt- middle-aged pilot John Doe was found by the Little Egypt Search and Rescue
Team on Friday, April 10, 1943, 9 days after his plane crashed in the outskirts of Egypt due to
engine problems. The 9 days in the Sahara Desert took its toll on the man, whose name has not
been released yet for confidentiality reasons.
One of the men who found John Doe, Omar Kalb, said that the pilot was incredibly
distraught. "He was scared, confused. I was scared he was dangerous to our team." Kalb said.
John Doe was then admitted into The Behman Hospital in Cairo. Treating him was Dr.
Maira Ibrahim. She a PhD in general pyschology at American University in Cairo. She
diagnosed the pilot with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Schizophrenia. According
to Ibrahim "He talked of a boy who lived on an asteroid. He wouldn't stop drawing sheep on the
walls and he would stare at the roses in the garden for hours on end." all of which led her to
believe that he was mentally unstable.
Detective David Botros of the Cairo Police Department was one of the many officers to
examine the plane wreckage. There was obvious damage. The engine showed signs of aging
and design flaw. It shouldnt have been in the air, Detective Botros voiced. When asked of any
sign of another person being in the area, like a child, Detective Botros replied, There was no
sign of anyone other than John Doe. The odds of a child being out in the desert is slim to none.
Im sure the man was hallucinating.
So what will happen to this lone survivor? John Doe is to remain at Behman until proven
mentally stable or is retrieved by family members. Dr. Ibrahim says he may never fully recover.

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