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Spencer Owen

Professor Morean
English 100.15
16 December 2014
Concluding my Semester of Writing Seminar
Before taking Writing Seminar in college I did not have to constantly write papers.
Because of this I was not the best at writing in the beginning of the semester. I have never had a
teacher like Professor Morean. She did not care about what our teachers taught us in the past,
but rather teaching us the right way now. She used a different teaching style than most teachers I
have ever had, to help me understand how to correctly write papers, and to sexy up my writing.
Since the beginning of the semester I improved as I wrote paper after paper. I did not improve
over night, but by the end of the semester I was pleased with my progress. I re-wrote papers that
I did not get the grade I wanted, and worked hard on each one. I learned how to correctly site
my papers, research the right sources, and use databases. I learned how outline my paper by
drawing a potato and making bubbles to help easily write my paper. I also learned to start my
papers with a good opening statement, and to close my papers with a broad universal statement.
I will take all these skills I have learned this semester to my future English classes and any class
that I am assigned to write a paper.

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