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David Bell

Mrs. Petty

Film Analysis Revision

Overall, I think the film analysis essay was my favorite paper I had written all semester. I
was able to write about something that I had prior knowledge on, and it was also a topic which I
really enjoyed. Going in to this post-finalized revision I thought I would have a lot to do because
honestly, I had never looked at the feedback for my film analysis' final draft. However, when I
had began to look at the feedback, I noticed that I had made almost all of my corrections in this
transition from the first draft to the final draft which made this post-finalized edit very short and
simple. The main thing I had missed throughout both versions of my paper, which I did fix in my
post-finalized, was topic sentences that matched my thesis. Mrs. Petty gave great feedback on
my first draft that allowed to me come up with a great final draft.

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