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David Bell

Mrs. Petty

Memoir Revision
When reading over my final draft for my memoir, I realized Mrs. Petty had corrected a
lot of my mistakes in word choice, dialogue, organization, the use of "I" and the grammar
mistakes. On many occasions I forgot to put commas or added a comma where it should not have
been. Overall my word choice, I thought was pretty good although I did have some sentences
that were worded completely wrong and was able to switch the sentence around and make it
much more sensible. Next, my dialogue was not separated into paragraphs like it should have
been which still does not make much sense to me as far as how to do it, but I think I got it right
in my post-finalized copy. Lastly, when going over my understanding of the memoir I had
thought I used the words "I remember" just enough times, but when I went back over it with the
guidance of Mrs. Petty's feedback I saw that I had used it way too many times.

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