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Jesus Escalante
Mrs. Mary Petty
October 23, 2014
Im here to fight for truth, and justice and the American way (1978) Superman
Superman was born in a planet called Krypton he was sent to earth as an infant. His fathers
name is Jor-El supermans birth name is Kal-El. He was adopted by farmers in Kansas they
named him Clark Jerome Kent. As a civilian Clark Kent is a Journalist in the city of Metropolis.
In, the movie Superman Returns there was a scene where a 747 airplane with passengers on
board, the plane was also carrying a NASA aircraft on top with the engines on, and making, the
airplane increase its normal speed. When superman came to the rescue he got under the NASA
aircraft an lifted it off the 747, and flew up high into outer space in order, for the aircrafts
engines can shut off and the aircraft can stay at float in space. Once he got the NASA aircraft
away from harms way he saw that, the 747 was going down in circles, the rear wing had broken
off so with his extraordinary speed he flew down after, the airplane, and as he flew down after,
the big 747, the left wing broke off almost striking superman but he managed to dodge the
flaming wing. Superman with his superhuman strength got in front of the airplanes nose
stopping the 747 from exploding onto a baseball field filled with civilians. Supermans quick
actions saved thousands of innocent lives.
In addition in an another incident when a crew ship started to sink in the ocean due to the
heavy thunderstorms as a family of three was trapped inside every second that went by the ship
went further down in the deep dark ocean, the family gasped for air, as they looking out the small

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window all they see is, the gray sky disappear. Superman opened the heavy steel door easily
give me your hand superman said, so that his daughter and wife can hold on tight then
superman let the ship fall into the ocean.
To demonstrate that superman is, the man of steel he saved two security guards that tried to
stop this criminal from firing an M .134 machine gun that fires 7.62 bullets hundreds per
second once, the instant the criminal aimed, the firearm at them superman got in front of the
barrel making the bullets bounce of his chest like nothing once the criminal ran out of
ammunition he took out a pistol hand gun and fired straight at the man of steels left eye the
bullet crumbled like if it hit a steel door and fell to, the ground, so superman managed to
apprehend, the criminal and turn him into the police. In conclusion, the man of steel is literally a
man of steel he has many qualities but his primary one is saving lives. Like he said hes here to
fight for the truth, and justice the American way.

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