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Alexis Garcia

Mr. Munoz
English IV
November 19 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Seewald, Peter. Interview with Benedict XVI. Light of the World, The Pope, the Church and he
signs of the times, a conversation with Peter Seeward. Libreria Editrice: Vatican City, 2010.
Without the love of our unborn children if we can't love them and give them life how do we
expect to love ourselves or one another? "Nowadays no woman enters marriage as a virgin"
was said by a supermodel from Brazil. This shows the generation that we live in know it
seems as the respect has all gone away and the gift on oneself is just a game. Explaining
when you get married youre supposed to be pure and not have committed that sin before
hand and knowing that it's happening every were wither it's good or evil.
My main point was shown that sex has been known as a gift of one to another and that has
been taken advantage of. Humans now taking advantage of sin when not responsible enough to
pay the consequences of there acts in a way of loving themselves or one another. I'd talk about
this in my act of not loving themselves or one another but just taking advantage of it.

Rev Very, Peter . Armenio. The History of the Church. Midwest Theological Forum: Woodridge,
2007. Print.
Many followers and thinkers had rejected the use of contraception and even
Philosophy of Greek saw contraception as a natural and it extremely destroy the sexual
relations. "For she does not kill what is formed but prevents it's formation" this was one of
my favorite lines in the church fathers of contraception telling how your killing and taking
away a life before your child even gets to live and have life by the ability of having free will
to control it from forming. Avoiding the life of a child and the giving of oneself for the lust
and pleasure of one another.
I would also use this in my paragraph talking about taking advantage of having sex
without having a true meaning behind it. The way of preventing the life of another.

May, William E. Theology of the Body on Context. Pauline Books and media: Boston, 2010.
Reading this book It was mainly about the way the men should be able to except the fact
and understand the cycle of the woman's body. "Fear of contraception is perhaps the most
common psychology factor upsetting the woman's natural cycle" was said by Wojtyla. Men
in many way should be able to adapt to the ways and cycle of the woman. Wojtyla also
noticed that chemical and mechanical can harm the health of the woman.
I can use this information in the way that we explain the way the woman's body works.
Also what the different cycles that the woman's body has to go through.
Rice, Charles E. 50 questions on the natural law, what it is and why we need it. Ignatius press:
San Francisco, 1999. Print.
When going through the book 50 questions on the natural law I had saw that when the to
have sex they are alternating the value of self giving. You are not totally giving oneself to each
other fully but just for the good of yourself. "Contraception involves a refusal both to take the
possible consequences of the actin text that the other as he or she is without alternating by a
chemical a device or surgery" this was one of my favorite quotes that I read in the book showing
that you are not responsible for taking care of the child that will be conceived instead you use
other things that in the way of contraception to avoid it.
I can uses in a section describing the way of self giving and the use of giving oneself to each
Sir, Edward. Men, Women and the Mystery of love. Servant Books: Cincinnati, 2007. Print.
Love of two people could be miss treated with the thought of contraception between husbandand-wife and it's immoral. You have to be willing to except the hope of might becoming a
mother or father when you're married. You stand side-by-side ready to take on the world together
and not just for the material things when the parents except parent had their love is even better.
"Together rejecting parenthood rejects one spouse".
Here I can talk about how parenthood plays a big roll in many peoples lives so why try to stop

De Melo-Martn, Inmaculada, and Adam Briggle. "Birth Control." Encyclopedia of Science,

Technology, and Ethics. Ed. Carl Mitcham. Vol. 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA,
2005. 232-237. Student Resources in Context. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.
Margate Sanger was a birth control creator and also a birth control league and that
then became known as planned parenthood in 1942. In 1960 is when the birth control became
more popular, in 1960 the pill was approved and around 1970s 1980s continue to develop adding
a low dose of birth control because a regular one was a lot higher than it needed to be. The 21st
century BC patch the BC pill when does last menstrual cycle per year and men's birth-control
was made. Many people were grateful when he came to teen pregnancy about birth control.
contraception techniques can be divided into three categories such as a blockage of sperm chance
port to the ovum, prevention of ovulation and blockage of implantation. Again the main reason
break control and use relied on abstinent from inquiry during a woman's fertile period.
I would use this in the park how I would explain how birth control came apart and exactly
what it does.

Birth control. World of Invention. Gale,2006. Student Resouces in Context. Web. 10 Nov.
Some of the birth control are considered unacceptable by members of the same religious
groups the first pill was developed in Massachusetts. IUP is placed in the uterus for long-term
use and also to prevent pregnancy. condom rubbers and effective methods of preventing diseases
and also AIDS and HIV.
I can use this in the way of showing the different types of Contraception.

Rev Very, Peter . Armenio. The History of the Church. Midwest Theological Forum: Woodridge,
2007. Print.

Love is something very special when you get married you should except the love of having a
child whether you're responsible of being a parent. When you get married is it is supposed to be
love to till death. A child is a gift from God and should never be taken away its a special gift that
life has in store for you and your companion.
I would uses and a part of my paper when I am able to express the way parents now
responsibility and except the child.

May, William E. Theology of the Body on Context. Pauline Books and media: Boston, 2010.
De Melo-Martn, Inmaculada, and Adam Briggle. "Birth Control." Encyclopedia of Science,
Technology, and Ethics. Ed. Carl Mitcham. Vol. 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA,
2005. 232-237. Student Resources in Context. Web. 18 Nov. 2014.
Birth control. World of Invention. Gale,2006. Student Resouces in Context. Web. 10 Nov.
Sir, Edward. Men, Women and the Mystery of love. Servant Books: Cincinnati, 2007. Print.
Paul VI. Humanae Vitea. Vatican. Va. Web. 10 Nov 2014
Rice, Charles E. 50 questions on the natural law, what it is and why we need it. Ignatius press:
San Francisco, 1999. Print.
Seewald, Peter. Interview with Benedict XVI. Light of the World, The Pope, the Church and he
signs of the times, a conversation with Peter Seeward. Libreria Editrice: Vatican City, 2010.
Rev Very, Peter . Armenio. The History of the Church. Midwest Theological Forum: Woodridge,
2007. Print.

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