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Journal Entry #27

I just recently got back my PSAT scores at school. I had taken a PSAT Prep class for the
first nine weeks this semester, and I do have to say that it helped a lot. With what I learned in
this class, I did significantly better on the actual PSAT test than the previous PSAT test and all
the practice tests. I only missed four questions on the test total, and my score ended up being
231, much better than the 199 I got on the first test. Im really glad that things worked out like
they did, but I still must say that the class was very tedious and grueling. Not only was I tasked
with memorizing hundreds of vocabulary words over the course of the class, I had to give up a
week of my summer to cover the material that we didnt have time to cover during the school
year as well as four Saturdays to take the practice tests. Again, Im glad that the work it
required had paid off, but if I ever have to go through that class again, it will be too soon.

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