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Smoking PSA



Native sounds from classroom (teacher, typing,


Fade from back to a wide shot of classroom full

of kids working

Obnoxious ringtone goes off, all others sounds

go silent

Wide symmetrical shot focused on Boy1. Boy1

sinks into chair

Continue ringing

Alternating close-ups on peers and Boy1

Native sounds of a library (ticking clock, coughs,


Wide shot of library, kids reading and doing

homework. Close up on kids and their work.

Obnoxious ringtone goes off, all other sounds

go silent

Wide symmetrical shot focused on Boy1. Boy1

lays his head on the table

Continue ringing

Sliding shot, following students stares leading to

Boy1. Fade to black

Native gym sounds(basketballs, sneaker

squeaks, yell kids)

Wide shot of kids playing basketball

Obnoxious ringtone goes off, all other sounds

go silent

Wide shot, Boy1 drops the ball, everyone is

starring at him. He reaches into his pocket.
Close up on pocket. Extreme close up on
contact reading terminal cancer

Ringing stops. Boy1 He..hello? Right now?... Oh

alright, Ill be there.

Close up on Boy1 talking on the phone looking

nervous. Fade to black

Narrator talking about not smoking.

Wide shot of Boy1s back leaning on a wall

outside, smoking. Animated text reading the

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