Voting Procedures

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The Voting Procedures:

(Make sure you look at the exhibition schedule)

Bill Voting:
You will each receive a clothespin with your first name and you senators
last name

(this is a clothespin)
There will be ribbons up around the room, green for yea, red for nay, and
white for abstain
The committee chair will run the voting using Parly Pro
1) When preliminary voting:
a. the first committee at the Library will end
b. there will be 3 minutes to vote- this vote is to help let the other
senators know where you stand based on the bill at that time, the
lobbyists, the experts, and the some senators speak
c. you will take your clothespin and clip it to the ribbon on which side
you wish to vote- green for yea, red for nay, and white for abstain
d. then you will move into sub-committees
2) When voting on the Bill:
a. at this time we are still at the library voting on the bills to pass to the
Senate Floor
b. the Bill will be introduced with the amendments made
c. committee chair will move you into voting
d. at this time you will take your clothespin and clip it to the ribbon on
which side you wish to vote- green for yea, red for nay, and white for
e. the whips with the help from the Majority/Minority Leaders will
count the votes and relay the information to the secretaries
f. the secretaries will record the votes
If the Bill does not pass with 51% vote, it will not move to the Senate

Amendment Voting:
You will raise your hand to vote
The committee chair will run the voting on the amendments using Parly
Each amendment will be voted on in turn
1) When voting on each amendment:
a. the amendment will be introduced and projected on the wall
b. yea voters will hold up their hands
c. the whips will count votes and secretaries will record the number of
d. nay voters will hold up their hands
e. the whips will count votes and secretaries will record the number of
f. abstaining voters will hold up their hands
g. the whips will count votes and secretaries will record the number of
h. the committee chair will announce which amendments passed and
which died
If the amendment does not pass with 51% vote, it fails/dies!

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