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Nancy Tway
Professor Hamlett
English 101
November 25, 2014
Plastic Surgery Research: An Annotated Bibliography
Ali, Kaitlyn, and Tiffany Lam. "Teens Under The Knife." Current Events 108.1 (2008):
7. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
The article Teens Under The Knife offers information on the debate conducted by
Kaitlyn Ali and Tiffany Lam regarding implication of plastic surgery to teenagers in the
U.S. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there are more than 87,000
teenagers who undergone cosmetic Plastic surgery. Ali believes that the procedure is
dangerous because it can cause permanent numbness, infections, blood clots or even
death. Lam stressed that the Plastic surgery should be an option for everyone even
teenagers. This is a very good source, since both authors debate the pros and cons in
plastic surgery. Each authors has their own opinion in teens plastic surgery, it gives
example of what other people might say or think about plastic surgery through their
opinions. This source is from the library database and very reliable. Therefore, this can be
used in my research paper when I talk about the advantage and effects of plastic surgery.
This can help me argue on both sides whether plastic surgery is right or wrong for
Alter, Charlotte. "Bullied Teen Scores Free Nose Job From Nonprofit For Facial
Deformities." Time.Com (2014): 1.Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
The article Bullied Teens Scores Free Nose Job from Nonprofit For facial Deformities
by Alter and Charlotte discusses the New York City nonprofit Little Baby Face, which
provided a homeschooled teen that was bullied about her looks with free nose and chin
plastic surgery. This is a useful source for my research paper, its different form other
bibliography because its only give example of a teenager girl that got free plastic surgery
because she was being bully by friends at school. The authors for this article also have
written many articles that can also be found in the library database. I can put this source
in my paper as an example of why teenagers decided to have a plastic surgery done.
Davis, Stan. Nixon, Charisse. The Youth Voice Project. PennState ,March
2010. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.

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The Youth Voice Project is a project by researchers Stan Davis and Charisse Nixon.
More than 13,000 teens in 31 schools took the youth voice project survey. The report
from this project shows that the reasons for being bullied often by students (kids) were
looks, body shape and race. This source is very reliable because Charisse Nixon received
her Ph.D. from West Virginia University and is currently an Associate Professor in
Psychology at Penn State Erie. Also Stan Davis received his B.A. degree in psychology
from Brown University and has worked as a child and family therapist and school
counselor since 1969. This source can be useful in my paper because is the main reason
why many teens or young kid turn in to plastic surgery. Because they want fit in the
society there are in.
Gregory, Deborah. "IS PLASTIC SURGERY WORTH IT? Yes." Essence 34.11 (2004):
42. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This article focuses on several reasons for undergoing plastic surgery. Benefits that could
be derived from plastic surgery including the restoration of youthful confidence; AfricanAmerican women celebrities who undergone Plastic surgery. This source is reliable
because both authors have written others article that related to plastic surgery. This
source is different from other bibliography because it talks about only the good or
benefits side of plastic surgery. This is a good source for my paper because at the end
they also mention that You must understand that plastic surgery is not going to fix your
problems or change you but it can help you feel better about your appearance this can
help me argue that though plastic surgery is might be good for some people, but plastic
surgery is not everything in your life that will make your life better.
Hunker, Paula Gray. "Pressure To Be Perfect." Insight On The News 16.10 (2000): 29. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This source is dealing with plastic surgery among teenagers in the United States. Views
of teenagers on plastic surgery; Advantages of conducting the surgery during teen years.
Hunker and Paula Gray has written many article dealings with teens so Im pretty sure
their source are very reliable. The article also talks about how media affects teenagers in
making decisions about plastic surgery. This source is a useful source since I talk about
how media is one of the reasons why teens turn in to plastic surgery to have the ideal look
they want. I can put this source in my paper as an example of media influence on plastic
Pham, Thailan. "Teenage Plastic Surgery." People 73.13 (2010): 107-110. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
This article focuses on teenagers who underwent plastic surgery to fix features that they
were bullied and harassed about. Teen Jen Selter had surgery on her nose. Jon Escalate
underwent otoplasty to fix his ears which stuck out. Hannah Olson had breast surgery

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because of pain from the weight of her chest. Another topic that this article talks about is
how to know if surgery is the right choice. The author of this article has written different
article about beauty and self-image and he also have a good example and points about
plastic surgery. The source is from the database so very reliable. This source can be
useful in my paper because it talks about if plastic surgery the right choice. I can use the
information to argue that plastic is the right choice when you are in the right moment.
Piercy, Merge. He, She, and It. New York: Knopf, 1991. Print.
He, She and It is an award-winning feminist science fiction/cyberpunk novel by Marge
Piercy, published in 1991. The novel examines gender roles, human identity and
Artificial intelligence, political economy, environmentalism, love, and storytelling
through a suspenseful plot, set in a post-apocalyptic America, of the romance between a
human woman and the cyborg created to protect her community from corporate raiders.
This novel is full of science and technology. This novel is the beginning of my research
topic. There is a part in the early chapter of the novel where it talk about how Y-S have
children go through a plastic surgery procedure to have their ideal face and body. This is
the main point of my topic why people have plastic surgery done especially teenagers.
"Plastic Surgery For Teenagers Briefing Paper." Plastic Surgery & Teenagers. American Society
of Plastic Surgeons, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
The American Society of plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is the largest plastic surgery specialty
organization in the world. This site is reliable because they are well known with more
than 9,400 surgeons worldwide. The mission of ASPS is to advance quality surgery
patients by encouraging high stand of training, ethics, physician practice and research in
plastic surgery. This site can be use full in my paper because it statics of every year on
plastic surgery in people of all ages. I can use their statistic to prove that there are many
teens age13-19 who undergo plastic surgery. And the procedure that teens choose to do
whether its breast augmentation, nose job or eyelids.

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