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Macbeth Questions #11

1. At this point I do not have any sympathy left for Macbeth. He has become a
dictator and has only been caring about himself and what is best for him. He
manipulates the people below him and treats them with no respect.
2. Yes I was satisfied with the way the play ended. I thought the ending was put
together well by the way MacDuff got to seek his ultimate revenge and take
vengeance on his family and killing off the manipulative and evil Macbeth
once and for all. I also thought it was brilliant how everything the witches
said would happen did happen but not the way Macbeth was thinking they
3. The final days of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are very different from when
they were first introduced to us. In the beginning Lady Macbeth was always
very manipulative and Macbeth was more of a go with the flow kind of
person and didnt really think about the consequences of his actions. After
they killed King Duncan they were both constantly on edge and had the guilt
of the murder weighing heavily on their shoulders. Trying to ignore it and
cover it up only made it worse for both of them causing Macbeth to become a
tyrant and Lady Macbeth to go completely lose her mind. I honestly dont
have any sympathy for either of them because they caused this upon
themselves. None of this guilt would have been brought onto them if they just
waited for King Duncan to die on his own time. But they are too impatient
and wanted things their way so they murdered him just so they could
become King and Queen when they wanted.

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