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Journal Entry #28

We didnt play Dungeons and Dragons last night at chess club. That disappointed me. I
had really wanted to continue that game, but the person who had brought the materials
required wasnt there yesterday and we ended up just playing another game of Catan. I had
even hoped to write about the events in the game this journal entry, as there was more than I
left out of my previous entry on our play session. In interesting news, however, today was the
first meeting of the Interact club. Not just as in this year, as in at Hebron ever. I will be one of
the founding members. We met in the library and talked about what the purpose of the club is
this morning. Its purpose is to encourage service among youth, foster an interest in our
community, care for international needs, and offer students ways to develop leadership skills.
This meeting was pretty uneventful, however. Mostly, it was just choosing future meeting times
and deciding on membership fees. We also agreed to meet this Thursday morning to vote on
officers. I guess Ill see what comes from that soon.

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