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Pee in the shower, not the toilet?

By: Kahua Tliton

According to Today Health, about

78% of our population, say they
pee in the shower on a normal

The campaign, Go
with the Flow,
predict if every
student in that
university peed in the
shower, they would
save $230 grand
every year on water.

Chris Dobson talked to the BBC and stated, With 15,000

students at UEA, over a year we would save enough water to
fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool 26 times over.

Question 1
Do you think that peeing in the shower, rather
the toilet WOULD be a smart choice? Why or
why not

Question 2
Would you use this method at home? Why or
why not.

Works Cited

Holohan, Megan. "Gross! Or Is It? University Pushes Peeing in the Shower to save Water."
GROSS! Or Is It? University Pushes Peeing in the Shower to save Water. N.p., 10 Oct. 2014.
Web. 21 Oct. 2014. <>.

Zombie, LOL. "Save Water. Pee In The Shower." Save Water. Pee in the Shower. N.p., 25 Feb.
2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2014. <>.

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