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The group discussion should have clearly

defined aims

Suggested answers
1. Yes - Understand the goal of the discussion
and keep all your comments and questions
relevant to the subject.

2. Everyone contributes by saying something.

Suggested answers
2. Yes Show initiative in the discussion. Do
not wait for others to ask you questions
before you make your comments. It is your
responsibility to participate

3. Most of the opinions expressed should be

supported by evidence of some kind.

Suggested answer
3. Yes be prepared to support your opinions
with facts, reasons, and examples. Dont
change your mind because someone
disagrees with you, a conflict within a group
helps the group see all sides of the issue.

4. There is some time at the end for summing

up what has been said.

Suggested answer
4. Yes it is usually a good idea to elect a
leader (chairperson) who helps to control the
discussion summarise decisions and view
points made by the group.

5. All participants leave with the same ideas

and opinions they came in with

Suggested Answer
No Keep an open mind. Once you have
supported your opinion, be prepared to
compromise or change your position if others
present strong arguments

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