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Voyager 1 Hasn't left The Solar System

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Taccuino di tonynetone
17/12/2014 19:18


A g gio rnat o : 17/12/2014 19:18

Voyager 1 Hasn't left The Solar System its still in the area governed by the
Suns gravity, so isn't in interstellar space,but still in the Solar System.
Dear NASA Voyager-1 was launched in 1977 to study Jupiter, but later the
mission was extended, so our solar system goes out to the very outer.
Astronomers peg the solar system's boundary to the outermost gravitational
reach of the sun, Voyager 1 is currently just 125 AU from Earth, and is expected
to take roughly 300 years to reach the inner edge of the Oort Cloud, and some
30 000 years to escape it entirely, also the detector capable of directly
measuring a jump in plasma density failed just a few years after Voyager 1's
1977 launch,so Voyager 1 not convinced or persuaded, that craft it is very long
nasa obfuscation which some action is to reach the interstellar space, believing it
is more likely that, it is still in the Heliosphere that dominated by the Sun and its
wind of energetic particles as Heliosphere Plasmas and their embedded
magnetic fields affect the formation,evolution and destiny of planets and
planetary systems therefore Voyager 1 is still approaching the edge of our Solar
Unlike the other onboard instruments, cameras are for visible light and is not

Press release stating its left the solar system and wont be corrections the
issued, It's ok to be a fashion beat.

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