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Madriaga, Zaira Louise R.

Optimism is when you stay positive even if the situation is you versus the world.
It is when old or even the young people experiencing the worst thing that ever
happened in their lives. Having an optimistic thinking is an advantage because a person
will never lose hope and when time comes that he or she might fail he or she will still
be able to hold his or her head up high and stay calm and collected.
It is one of the best topics that we should discuss or tackle because the people in
the present generation lack positivity. Instead of being doubtful, anxious, and
frightened, a person can think of some solutions that will help them have a progress of
dealing the problem at hand by being relaxed and relieved.
The numerous amounts of people committing suicide mostly the reason is
because of broken relationships, loss of beloved someone or many other thing just
proves that optimism is badly needed. By studying this case, the researchers can share
the topics and information gathered not only to the listeners but also to anyone either
their family or friends that are in need of hope which can be a big help to the society as

Madriaga, Zaira Louise R.

Annotated Reference List

Aldwin, C. M. (1994). Stress, coping, and development: An integrative perspective. New

York, NY: A Division of Guilford Publications, Inc.
This book contains a lot of things about how a person can develop and deal with
stress with different strategies so whoever might be reading the book can do
whatever that is comfortable for them to do so. Also, the book discusses how to
win over stress no matter what and how big the problem at hand is. This book is
very reliable for researchers or people who need a serious recommendations and
learning about stress.

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