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Solar Energy

Solar energy is very beneficial in our society. We can save money from it since sunlight is free.
Even though in creating equipment that will be used in the conversion of solar energy to
electricity is a large cost, we will save a lot since we can use it in many years. And also in the
production of solar energy, no pollution is created which lead to more positive effects. In remote
areas, instead of extending the electricity power grid which cost a large amount of money, they
can use solar energy which will be more convenient for them. On the other hand though there are
plenty of advantages, there will be still disadvantages. Solar energy is come from the sunlight
and the sun is only available at day. This means that the equipment will be useless in night
because there is no sunlight. The solar energy will be needing a large area in order to produce
power to big structures. It is said that solar energy is inefficient because only 40% of the sunlight
is used while the rest is wasted but some emerging technologies increases this to 80% but also
increases the cost of the solar panels.

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