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1 carriage of passenger with reduced mobility

- A passenger with reduced mobility is one whose physical,medical
or mental condition requires individual assistance (on embarkation
and disembarkation, during flight, in an emergency evacuation,
during ground handling)that is normally not extended to the
-A passenger with reduced mobility are categorized as follows :
~ Ambulatory : A passenger who is able to board and deplane
from the aircraft unassisted and who is able to move about the
aircraft unassisted.this includes the blind , deaf, mentally
~ non ambulatory : A passenger who is not able to board and
deplane unsseisted and who is not able to move about the aircraft
unassisted because of the physical impairment
-Whwwlchair requirement
~WCHC : wheelchair required. Passenger completely immobile
and cannot walk unaided and requires bearens/attendants or lifting
apparatus to get into the aircraft and to reach the cabin seat
~WCHR : wheelchair required. Passenger can ascend/descend
aircraft step/stair and make own way to cabin seat, but cannot
manage long distances.
2.Conditions for acceptance on lion scheduled flights
-there is no restriction on number of ambulatory reduced mobility
-the number of non ambulatory reduced mobility passenger
accepted onboard eill be limited to :
in case non ambulatory passengers are ascorted, it shall by at least
1 able bodied passenger (ABP) per non ambulatory passengers
-they must be allocated seats as provided for under the conditions
for carriagr
-group of passenger with reduced mobility traveling togrther must
be accompanied by attendents, one attendant is required for each
three passenger with rduced mobility(any able-bodied passenger
will qualify as an attendant)
3.conditions for carriage
a.General restrictions on seating
~both ambulatory and non-ambulafatory passengers with
reduces mobility must not be allocated seats in emergency exit seat
rows forward and one seat row aft of these

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