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1)(a) 34400N

1(b)(ii) 160m
1(c)(i)Energy is "lost" as thermal energy
This is due to friction between the wheels and the track/air resistance
1(c)(ii) 49 m/s
2(a)(i) 0.49s
2(a)(ii) 4.2 m
2(b)(i) 0.082 sec
2(b)(ii) 7700N
3(a)(i) 3466Kg
3(a)(ii) 170000N
3(a)(iii) 14000N
3(a)(iv) 4000N
4(a)6 marker
4(b)(i) Brittle
4(b)ii) -draw the graph Stress labeled on the Yaxis Strain on the Xaxis
-Line A is straight and steep stops with no curving
-Line B is straight at first and not as steep the curves off beforebreaking
4(c)(i) 6.27x10^8
4(c)(ii) 1000
5(a)(i) 36
5(a)(ii) 64.8
5(a)(iii)diagram shows partial reflection and the refracted light bending away f
rom the normal (think at least)
5(b)2 Reasons the diagram was wrong and give the explanation question
1: Refracts away from the normal
explanation: because RI of material 1>RI of material 2 so the light speeds up as
it enters material 2
2: there should be no Total internal reflection
Explanation : N2 has a higher refractive index (RI) than N1. TIR only happens wh
en light goes from a material with a higher RI to one with a lower as the light
has to bend away from the normal.
6(a)diffraction grating-Examine the composition of distant stars.
6(a)(ii) cant remember
6(b)(i) 1st order is the only order. i.e no other orders present
6(b)(ii) A would be white and slightly more intense than B which would show cont
inuous spectra with violet light on the inside and red light on the outside
6(c) 5.25*10^-7
7(a) Frequency- the number of oscillations of a wave per second passing a given
7(b) Longitudinal wave- oscillations/vibrations parallel to the direction of pro
pagation. made up of compressions and rarefactions
7(c) 3100000Hz
7(d) -Stationary wave formed no energy transferred
-as two progressive waves traveling opposite directions with equal speeds amplit
udes and frequencies interfere/superposition
-nodes form where the two waves are in anti-phase (P.D. 180)destructive interfere
nce place of no amplitude.
-antinodes form where two waves in-phase (P.D. 360 or 0) constructive interference
place of max amplitude
-all particles between transmitter and solid surface vibrate parallel to the dir
ection of the two progressive waves apart form particles located at the nodes th
ese stay stationary and dont vibrate at all.

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