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Company Policies

1. Business working days shall be 6 days a week and business working hours shall be 9 hours a day.
Opening time at 9 am and closing time at 6 pm.
2. Staffs are required to report 30 minutes before opening time for preparation. Tardiness is
strictly discouraged and total hours of late shall be deducted to salary appropriately.
3. Working on Regular Non-Working Holiday shall double their salary.
4. Overtime is required for special events on the area. Payment is compensated for the extended
working time.
5. Absences will be valid only if the staff have provided replacement partner and reported it on
time; 2 days before the day of the absent.
6. Emergency leaves are valid if the staff filed it 1 week after the emergency absent.
7. Meal time: There must be at least one staff left in the cart when others are taking their meals.
Lunch time starts at 12:00 noon and they must be back at the work place exactly at 1:00
8. Professionalism shall be observed all the time in the business
9. Customers are the most priority. Building up customer relation is strictly encouraged.
10. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
11. Staffs influenced with alcohol will not be allowed to work.
12. All staffs must always wear their respective complete uniforms.
13. All staff must always wear hairnets and aprons.
14. Cleanliness in the area must be observed all the time.
15. Gadgets are not allowed to use during work unless emergency.
16. All equipment must be handled with care. Any damage given shall be charged against the
employee/s salary.
17. Salaries will be given every middle and end of the month.
18. All staffs are always evaluated. Staffs found to have extreme violations are subject to counseling
and on extreme cases, shall be terminated.

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