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One important moment in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, is when Scout

first learns about her fathers case involving a black man. This point in the book
reveals that this new case is extremely controversial in Maycomb, as well as
uncovers the coming hardships Jem and Scout will soon face. Scout first learns
about the peculiar case when a boy at school taunts, My folks said your daddy was
a disgrace an that nigger oughta hang from the water-tank! (87). This quote is
important because it exposes Maycomb Counties harsh segregation to the reader
and Scout, who had been previously oblivious. Before this spot in the book, the
reader is unaware of just how much discrimination occurs in Maycomb. This moment
sets a boundary between the Finches and the other Maycomb families. It truly
shows that Atticus is willing to sacrifice his relationships with friends and family in
order to do what he thinks is right. No one in Maycomb agrees with them and many
people believe he is disgracing the County. For Atticus the case will affect him
personally as this case really ruins his reputation. A little later Scout over hears
her father discussing the coming problem with Uncle Jack: You know whats going
to happen as well as I do, Jack, and I hope and pray I can get Jem and Scout
through it without bitterness, and most of all, without catching Maycombs usual
disease (100). From hearing this, Scout gathers that something is stirring up in
Maycomb, and her family is right in the middle of it. This is the moment in the book
where we, as the reader, begin to truly understand how contentious this coming
trial is, and how difficult the next year will be. In the quote Atticus talks about
Maycombs usual disease, meaning that most people in Maycomb automatically
assume the man is guilty just because he is black. This could be dangerous for his
family, because the people are especially unhappy with Atticus for agreeing to
defend Tom Robinson. This part of the book sets the stage for what is to come in
the plot. It makes the reader rethink the plot of To Kill a Mockingbird. The
moment is when everything changes for Scout and her family. Their future will
most likely be full of difficulties and plot-twists.

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