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Ocaas Family

December 2014
Dear Friend,
Greetings to you and your family, we sincerely hope you are well. We are writing this letter to share with you the great things God
is doing in our lives.
For nearly eight years my wife Katia and I have had the privilege to serve full time at ICLV (International church of Las Vegas).
During this time we worked as worship pastors and for four years the Lord allowed us to pastor the Hispanic congregation of ICLV.
Currently God is leading us to a new stage in our lives and with the support of our church we have decided to take a step of faith
into what God has for us.
Recently, we have been given the opportunity to go and serve as associate pastors within the ministry of pastor and international
evangelist Sergio Scataglini and his wife Kathleen, founders of Scataglini Ministries (SMI) whose purpose is to proclaim the Kingdom
of God and to make known the name of Jesus here on earth as well as spread the message of the fire of his holiness to the nations.
For more information about this ministry please visit:
Our contribution to SMI will be in offering our gifts and talents through worship as well as in preaching and teaching to help with
the growth and multiplication of online churches (currently 10) and in the daily prayer groups (currently 40); as well as assist the
pastors in any way, traveling to the nations and help develop a future training center.
It is for this reason that we would like to ask for your support first and foremost in prayer asking God's guidance in this new stage
of our life, protection for every journey we embark and that God will use us to reach the nations; and secondly, if it is within your
possibilities, asking for a substantial donation of either a one-time gift or a monthly donation to support us. We are launching out in
faith as a family and raising our own support as we join this ministry. All donations are tax deductible. The way you can donate online
is as follows:
1. Go to:
2. Click on "donations"
3. Select "Sergio & Katia Ocaas One Time Donation" or "Sergio & Katia Ocaas Monthly Support"
You may also send a check to: SMI PO Box 37695 Pensacola, FL. 32526. Be sure to specify that your donation is intended for the
Ocaas pastors.
We thank you in advance for taking the time to read this letter and for your financial support to these "missionaries" no matter the
amount because any contribution no matter how small will be greatly appreciated.

Sergio & Katia Ocaas

271 Soggy Ruff Way Las Vegas, NV 89148


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