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a lock of Saddam Hussein's hair may tell us all the secrets

Its said that Moqtada al-Sadr attended the execution process to
make sure that who executed is saddam not like ..

But we imagine getting a lock to analyze it genetically perhaps
conducive(tell) us the dreaded gene which was passed down
from his predecessor the great Hajjaj bin Yusuf Thaqafi

Till he injustice , vanquish, crush and overpowered

see (WONDERING)what are the genes that caused a fondness for
Saddam Hussein and his associates and his grandchildren likes Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - in broadcast terror and panic and
dissemination of the horrors and devastation and ignite the fire of
sedition(AGITATIOS) . which does not subside(stop =QUIT)

Whenever battles eased(lessen) flare up again and renewe ,

and this gene mutated(changed) and quickly penetrated(spread)

in all the Arab region.

are we in front of Saddam syndrome, in which the patient loses
part of the genetic material and replacing it with extremism,
terrorism, sadism, where reduced level of emotional intelligence
and the political to the lowest degree

while rising stubbornness and cruelty, irritability and recklessness
and inflation of ego to the explosion limit

. lock of Saddam hair Hussein may reveal the mystery of intimacy
with the pistol and dagger and poisons that drinking it since his
childhood and the reasons for excessive violence which is not
inherited like skin color, of course,

genes scientifically influenced by the surrounding environment,
and if each of us carries at least four genetic diseases .


what if we look at this catenation(chain) which brought
devastation to the richest countrys and the oldest civilization ..
and put it in this ordeal and the great

This is a hypothesis of course, but based on the indicators and
realistic features

Saddam has become for some a epic hero and
brave knight ,his absence represents to them summit(top)
tragedy summons(recall) his name whaen the anguish
increase(intensify= strengthen) in Mesopotamia(Iraq)

the majority in the Arab world consider him responsible(in
charge) to bring the Great Satan to iraq to search for
weapons of mass destruction which he threatened them one
day=once to own it
6 ..
7 5

the cost of his brave speeches was killing a million and a half
million ,displacement of more than six million , five million Iraqi
widow , 7 million orphan and the destruction of an entire nation.

Biography(life) of Saddam Hussein was not clear .there is always a
passion for the discover the secrets of this dictator, who was
surrounded himself with similars(likes) to disguise (hide) from his

Since days websites deliberated news(reports) about his body
was transferred from Tikrit fear of exhumation .. and between
deny(exile=disclaim) and the proof is renewing the talk about
Saddam the origin which some skepticism(doubt=, suspicion=,
unbelief) in the day of his execution .. between origin and like
tales(stories) unfinished .

. but perhaps pave(smooth) the way for the trove(hidden) secret ,
which is undisclosed(discovered) yet.

At the end of 2009, Khalil Daylami - Saddam's lawyer and the

Chief of Defence committee wrote , Memoirs of Saddam Hussein,
but these notes has not been light on(highlighted=focused on
them) them, except little and did not pay attention to it

After a year quickly explode(burst) the Arab Spring
waves(revolutions) to get all busy to realize the implications
(effects)and consequences of revolution
. .. 411

Daylami meet with Saddam Hussein 144 times .. where Saddam
told him a lot of anecdotes(stories=tales) and secrets which we
predict it

and whatever has been said about the credibility of his political

complexions and personal habits and general impressions about
people and events from the viewpoint of Saddam is not subject to

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