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2nd Grade Cole Academy Newsletter

Mrs. Martin and Ms. Griffus

Monday December 1st!home/mainPage
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Winter Break: We will have winter break December 22- January 4th. I will not send
any homework home during this time although your child should still be reading and
practicing their math facts.
Winter Time!: Winter is here! Please send your child to school with a hat, gloves,
warm coat, snow pants, and boots. As we get more snow, your child will need these
items to play on the playground. It is helpful if you send your child to school with these
items all in a separate bag to help them keep these items organized and easy to
Writing: We are writing non-fiction stories this December. This unit is a little different
from other units that your child has written. Instead of writing tons of stories, we pick
one broad topic and write everything we know about that topic. Start looking for these
stories to come home at the end of the month!
Reading: As our non-fiction reading unit is coming to a close, we are starting nonfiction book clubs. Your child is in a group where they study a topic that they chose
(sharks, spiders, butterflies, weather/natural disasters, sports, ect.) and later they will
present what they have learned about these topics! The students are learning so many
new things!
Science/ Social Studies: We have been learning about the history of lansing! It is so
interesting to see what our community was like in the past. This month we will spend
some time learning about how to keep ourselves healthy and later we will explore winter
celebrations across the world.
Math: Geometry has been so much fun! We have learned to count from 3 to 10 in Latin
to help us figure out the names of shapes! Ask you child to count for you at home.
This month we will be getting into double digit addition and subtraction. This is the time
of year that math starts to get more challenging for second graders. Please continue to
work at home with them on these new topics.
Thank you so much for your support!
Mrs. Martin and Ms. Griffus

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