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J Canas 1 Alex Canas John Kubler English 115A. October 15, 2014 Who's the Dominant One in Your Relationship; Interviews with Couples on Female Rights and Gender Equality ‘After analyzing and interviewing couples throughout the Glendale Mall, the results have made me realize many ideas about relationships. I ended up observing 3 couples, 2 of which ended up leaving the mall to a hotel and a car and one couple actually decided to stay at the mall. ‘This couple were holding hands like a regular and typical couple in today's society but I noticed how the woman was tugging on the man’s hand, giving a suggestion on what stores they should go in next. The man, almost forcefully went inside these stores and was always rewarded with a kiss whenever he went inside the store with her. As they were walking, the woman would point at the kid's department or any baby clothes on sale. After the whole thirty minutes, I was pretty sure the woman was the dominant one in the relationship. During those thirty minutes, I also noticed that the woman was more in love than the man, The reason behind this was because of how the man was reacting towards the stores that she picked and how he nodded his head is disagreement at the kid stores, whenever she pointed at them. I felt that the man was "doting" the female because of all his reactions to her actions but I still felt that the woman was the dominant one in the relationship. ‘After observing them for 30 minutes, I introduce myself to them and asked them questions. From a distance, I thought the girl was the dominant one. When I introduced myself to them, he would respond before she did and answer the questions first. This action led me to Canas 2 reconsider who is more dominant in the relationship. I also noticed the man was very sexual and very open about their sexual life. Between the couple, they argued and decided on the question about who is more dominant and in the end, they decided the man was more dominant than she was. He was the usual one who decided where to go and he talked a lot about honesty. He claims that the reason why she agreed to go out with him because he was honest and of the sex. He also agreed women should be allowed to race in the men's team, be in the army only if they're lesbian, to become a prostitute, and wear anything they want to because wearing those clothes is not degrading. The female in this relationship seemed to agree with everything her boyfriend said, Finally, my advertisement was the woman on the raft with the older male. The couple ended up agreeing that the woman was on a tour or a vacation with a tour guide who was not rich. ‘The woman was a rich model and was posing for her Instagram selfie in order to get into the popular page. The girlfriend believed that the female was dominant because she was seducing the man to take her on this raft. The boyfriend believed that the male was the dominant one because he was winning seeing a half-naked model with his real eyes, just for a ride on the raft. In the end I decided the male was doting on the other person. In the five couples that | interviewed randomly, there were some similarities and differences from the first couple, Many of the couples usually were together for more than two hours and usually they would go everywhere. Three of the females chose where to go on the dates but only one female made the first move. Two of the females were the dominant ones and two males were dominant, For the questions on gender equality, many of them were equal. Many males thought women weren't able to be in sports teams with men just because men are considered powerful than woman. When asked "what makes true love possible ...", the most Canas 3 common answers was honesty, Tespect, communication and trust. The least answers used was sex and flexibility. After talking to all these couples and asking them multiple questions, I realized many things. When I showed the advertisement to the couple, the dominant one in the relationship, male or female, would agree that the woman was the dominant one in the relationship. My advertisement was the one with the half-naked woman on the raft with the older man, With one couple, I found that the non-dominant one in the relationship believed the man was the dominant one in the advertisement because he was the one controlling the raft and cause he was a male. After asking questions to sexual behaviors/ expressions, I noticed something. The couples who were more open to their sexual life were okay with prostitution, nude beaches and sexual exhibition. They're reason why his would be okay is because a female has the right to anything they want to do. She can wear anything she wants, do whatever she wants and feel anything she wants, On the questions regarding female rights and gender equality, there were no connections. Many of the couples responses to this was a man is more powerful than a woman or they should be allowed to join these teams, if the woman has the power to win, In conclusion, I've noticed how in today's society many of people are un-educated about female and male stereotypes. Everyday, we hear at least a couple of stereotypes and male or female, we accept those stereotypes. I believe if I did this questionnaire with the couples at a college, my answers would be different. Many people today are uneducated and don't realize that a man doesn’t have to be the dominant one in the relationship. Society has shaped us in a way that have made stereotypes real,

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