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Christmas Day, December 25th, was instituted as the official birthday of Jesus in the 4th

century, the time also when the relationship of Jesus to his heavenly father was hotly
debated in a controversy regarding the nature of Jesus: was he of similar essence or of
the same essence as God? The latter was eventually accepted as dogma(dogma from
word dog): the Nicene(which means the mother of god) creed accepts Christ as equal to
The date of December 25th may have been chosen because it occurred around the time of
the winter solstice(and saturen ceremony) , a pagan feast still celebrated at the time
Christianity began to establish itself as the one of the major religions in the West(baesd
on north hemispere). A beautiful mosaic from the 4th century showing Jesus as Christo
sole (Christ the Sun) has been preserved, found underneath the Basilica of St Peter in
some said : that the story of gospels start and end at winter solstice

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