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2. Tiltle : Esential Food Sanitation / Chpter 1 / Sanitation : Definitions and Regulations
(page 1-10)
Author : Norman G. Mario
Year : 1997
3. Six Reading Strategies
4. Summarize the theory
Sanitation means creting and maintining hygienic and healthful conditions. It applies the
sciences of microbiology, biology, physics, and chemistry to hygienic methods and
Sanitary practices and hygienic conditions are more important because food is being
processed and prepared in larger volumes than before
Food can be contaminated with microorganisms that cause spoilage or illness if sanitary
methods are not used, even in well-designed plants
The food, drugs, and cosmetic act covers all food except meat and poultry products from
harvest trought processing and distribution
Voluntary programs help firms take responsibility for sanitation without continuous
A planned sanitation program is essential to meet regulatory requirements, protect the
reputations of the brand name, and ensure that products are safe, of high quality, and
free from contamination
5. Aplication
A. Predict
Setelah saya melihat kulit dari buku, saya memprediksikan bahwa isi buku tersebut
membahas tentang definisi dan regulasi dari sanitasi makanan
b. Visualize
Saya membayangkan bahwa isi buku itu membahas tentang bagaimana pentingnya
menjaga kesehatan makanan yang akan di konsumsi manusia
c. Connect
Saya menghubungkan prediksi dengan pengetahuan saya tentang sanitasi
d. Questions
What does sanitation mean?
Sanitation means creting and maintining hygienic and healthful conditions
Why sanitary practices and hygienic conditions are more and more important?
Because food is food is being processed and prepared in larger volumes than before
e. Clarify
Sanitation means creting and maintining hygienic and healthful conditions. It applies the
sciences of microbiology, biology, physics, and chemistry to hygienic methods and
condition. Sanitary practices and hygienic conditions are more important because food is
being processed and prepared in larger volumes than before. Food can be contaminated
with microorganisms that cause spoilage or illness if sanitary methods are not used,
even in well-designed plants.
f. Evaluate
Isi buku ini sangat bagus, bias menambah pengetahuan seseorang tentang bagaimana
sanitasi dari makanan.



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