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Mike Scheidt

A&P 312
Dr. Brice
Writing Assignment 4
When determining the fiber type distribution for Usain Bolt, it is most likely that
the fiber type would have a very high majority of Type IIb with some Type IIa and very
small amounts of Type I as well. During Usain Bolts run, energy resources are rapidly
depleted as he travels farther down the 100m track. Considering Usains record-breaking
time was under 10 seconds, energy sources are needed in large quantities but only for a
short amount of time. In order to gain enough energy to sustain the speed he is running
for the whole race, it would require a large amount of fast twitch fibers undergoing
glycolysis to compensate for the energy used.
Type IIb would be the most predictive muscle type due that they work under
conditions where little oxygen and time is available to create energy so ATP is created
through the process of glycolysis. If there were higher amounts of Type I (slow-twitch)
fibers within his muscle, not enough energy would be created within the initial time
period to sustain the amount of power he is generating. Slow twitch fibers create ATP in
a much slower process known as oxidation that is much better suited for longer periods of
sustained action. If there was any substantial amounts of fast twitch fibers within his
muscle tissue, Usain never would have ran his record breaking time.

When observing the load-velocity relationship of muscle contraction, there are

many different instances where this can be seen within every-day life. The load-velocity
relationship states that as the load of a force/object that a muscle is trying to act upon
increases, the slower the velocity of muscle contraction. This can be defined as a type of
inverse relationship. This can be seen in everyday life by a move in crew trying to move
many different boxes into a house. When one of the movers tries to pick up a box that
contains some lightweight blankets, the muscles in his legs contract rapidly due that the
amount of load that the force causes on the muscle is minimal. When the same mover
then tries to pick up a box filled with a lot of heavy plates and silverware, the speed in
which he stands up decreases due that the muscles contract at a slower speed to increase
the force exerted against the total load.

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