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There is a small modification in formulas.

We will be adding
tal/total counts): in Data Rows label as below:

(Not including subto

For Crosstabs

="Data Rows (Not including subtotal/total counts): " + If (Count([Fiscal Year M

onth])=0 or IsNull([Fiscal Year Month])) Then 0 Else (Sum(LineNumber())/Count([F
iscal Year Month]))
Where [Fiscal Year Month] is merged dimension (used in crosstab)
Vertical table format (with only one dataprovider) then we need to use b
elow formula
="Data Rows (Not including subtotal/total counts): " + If(NumberOfRows([Datapro
vider Name])=0) Then 0 Else Sum(LineNumber())
Vertical table format (with more than one dataprovider) then we need to
use below formula
="Data Rows (Not including subtotal/total counts): " + If(NumberOfRows([Datapro
vider1 Name])=0 AND NumberOfRows([Dataprovider2 Name])=0) Then 0 Else Sum(LineNu

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