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Alex Wisniewski

Media Journalism
Final Project - Video VO/SOT Script
Dr. Kristine Mirrer


(Stock footage of crowded shopping mall)

With shopping malls popping up everywhere and internet business vying for

customers, small businesses in downtown areas are feeling the pinch.

Video VO (Shot of people walking through Township Business District)

But the Special Improvement District of the Township of Union is bursting with
new activities, programs, and community events to revitalize the downtown shopping
district. Assistant Administrator Natalie DaSilva elaborates on some of the projects the
SID is featuring.

SOT #1 (Natalie DaSilva)

" Well for the holidays the SID has a lot of projects and events going on. We have
our annual free horse and buggy ride with Santa that goes around downtown, basically
the Union center. We also have photos with Santa at one of our local bookstores. We also
have programs for the merchants in terms of power washing and mini grants that they can
apply for. The mission here is to help the businesses."

Video VO (Shot of children lining up to see Santa Claus)

SID President Joseph Leo feels the most successful events take place around the
Christmas Holiday Season.

SOT #2 (Joseph Leo)

"Our Holiday time when we do pictures with Santa is very successful which has
led us into now doing pictures with the Easter Bunny. That brings in a lot of people into
town. So we're trying out new things, we're going to look to do new things to keep
expanding on those family-oriented events. "

Video VO (Shot of township workers hanging banner in middle of town)

Leo also considers the SID a good way to bring the community together.

SOT #3 (Joseph Leo)

"Well the good thing about it is that we're always open to new suggestions, we're
always open to bringing in new people, new merchants that have come into town. Even
merchants who have been around for a while like to get involved. It is very community
oriented, not just with the merchants but with the customers and with the government. It's
just nice to have something that's very, very community-oriented."

O/C (Live) (B-Roll of busy shops in town)

The SID's efforts have proven to be a very positive asset to the Township's
businesses. The variety of activities featured are bringing in more attention and pedestrian

traffic to the Town. But it doesn't stop there - the SID has even more exciting plans for
next year.

For WKNJ 90.3 FM, I'm Alex Wisniewski.

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