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List of Dentin

Coronal dentin: dentin in the crown (under enamel)

Radicular dentin: dentin in the root (under cementum)
Mantle Dentin: first dentin secretion, has superior property than circumpulpal
Circumpulpal Dentin:
Primary dentin: dentin formed during tooth development
Secondary dentin: dentin formed in the quiescent state of OB, after tooth development/
eruption of the tooth
Secondary irregular, responsive, reparative, tertiary dentin: secondary dentin (post-tooth
development) formed in response to severe stimulation localized
Atubular dentin
Secondary regular: secondary dentin (post tooth development) formed continuously and
uniformly in response to mild stimulation reduces pulp cavity
Sclerotic, Translucent, Transparent: mild stimulation that increase formation of peritubular
dentin causing hypercalcification of dentinal tubule, appearing translucent in ground section
Dead Tracts: formation from primary dentin forms from severe stimulation and consist of
complete destruction of tomes fiber and dentinal tubule.
Inter-globular dentin: hypocalcified dentin that filled the spaces between the globular crystal of
the circumpulpal dentin
Inter-tubular dentin: dentin in between the dentinal tubules that forms the main bulk of dentin
Intra-tubular dentin (peritubular dentin)/ Neumanns Sheath: formed by age along the inside
wall of dentinal-tubule highly mineralized

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