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Opening in judge room. A man named Adam is accused of treacherus acts.

High judge Dante

questions Adam .
Adam did you really destroy Earth? he said. I had to- he answered. People in awe.
After the judge read all things that he was accused. Judge asked how did you end up knowing private
Mark and srgt. Elisebth.
FLASHBACK. Adam and Elisbeth meeting in a bar. He propses her,she throws her drink on him.
Mark tries to defend her and fights Adam.
Judge asks how did you end up on the same team?
FLASHBACK. Adam in pilot training camp sees Elisbeth.
Judge asks -and Mark?
FLASHBACK. Adam drinking in a space nightclub wasted asks is there anyone can drink same as him
and fight him. Marks says he can. Mark almost wins. Adam says he's good.
Judge aks how they drive to space together.
FLASHBACK. Adam seeing poster saying 1milion credit bounty for catching hotest criminal on earth
and mars.
Recruits his team calling it The Departed. After lot of recruits not fitting coda Elisbeth comes.
Adam begs her to come with him,she says no way. After while she accepts.
Adam calls Mark. Mark says ok.

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