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Kelly Stone

Mr. Lang, Per. 2

Oct. 15, 2014

I am what I am
I am what I am, for who else could I be?
I am the Wind in the Willows by the Wide Sargasso Sea.
I am what I am, though someone else I may seem.
I like to get lost in A Midsummer Nights Dream.
I am what I am, and oh my heart does gladden
When I go to dear Uncle Toms Cabin.
I am what I am, a wanderer in the night,
Perhaps I shall see The Woman in White.
But Ive heard she wont come till after the Twelfth Night.
I am what I am, and I have life at my command.
Lets join in Alices Adventures in Wonderland.
I am what I am, a being so rare.
Wait just a moment; I must go to the Vanity Fair.
I am what I am, with a heart to be healed
By my sweet bosom friend David Copperfield.
I am what I am, a friend of the aristo.
Look! Here comes one now, The Count of Monte Cristo.
I am what I am, though I be no destroyer.
I love to hear all The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
I am what I am, the library is my edifice,
Where I can put aside all of my Pride and Prejudice
And with my true love Fitzwilliam Darcy I reminisce.
I am what I am, through words and ink I like to roam,
Hand in hand with my bad boy Ethan Frome.
I am what I am, dont have any fragility,
But instead take pride in my Sense and Sensibility.
I am what I am, wearing a nice cozy sweater,
But I hate ones that have The Scarlet Letter.
I am what I am, controlled by no puppeteers.
My favorite brothers be The Three Musketeers.
I am what I am, with a mind so fine,
I could almost be another Frankenstein.
I am what I am, and without novels my soul weakens.
I dont want to say goodbye to the Last of the Mohicans.
I am what I am, after several mutations,
And now I cant help but have Great Expectations.
I am what I am, I promise! I swear!
If you still dont believe me, just ask Jane Eyre.

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