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Hey Everybody!

I apologize for this e-mail being short! I have had one CRAZY
time-crunching P-Day! So here is the scoop for this past week!
Tuesday: Zone Conference with Elder Clarke from the Quorum of the Seventy
-I learned a lot about how much friendship is missionary work in this gospel.
-I need to write down the impressions that I receive from the Spirit
everyday and act upon them so He will give me more impressions to act
-President Hinckley asked us to double our numbers in 1995 at 300,000
converts and they have remained the same
-I am praying to figure out who to share the gospel with online so I
can ask people to share the gospel with their friends because I cannot
commit people do something I am not doing myself
-If I want a Captain Moroni for a husband, I have to work hard for him
and not be a complainer
>Went out caroling with the ward missionaries and it was a BLAST!
Wednesday: Went to the Timpanogos temple! Which is absolutely gorgeous
by the way! Love it! Love it! Love it!
Saturday: Two baptisms, Maggie Soto (10) and Angel (24). Both were
beautiful and small baptisms. As well as the ward Christmas party . .
. Seriously Latinos know how to throw a party better than any event I
have been to in the church, no joke. They have way more than enough
food for all 300 people. They have a DJ and after the party they all
DANCE! I wanted to dance so bad and oh how I wish I could have so bad!
If anybody knows me and my dancing skills . . . Well it is quite a
sight to see but I do not care hehe! :)
Sunday: Went on splits and we were able to teach seven lessons! So
much work to do around her between all the less actives, recent
converts and investigators! Did I mention I had to give a five minute
talk in Spanish on Sunday?! Well I did! Score! I want everybody to
read these two articles please! They are so AWESOME about missionary
work! I will leave the link below!
I am not getting transferred but I have to say good-bye to my
companion! She is going to be a Sister Training Leader in Spanish
Fork! I will most certainly miss her and I am getting another trainer
just before Christmas! CRAZY! The work is pushing forward and I am
learning to love being a missionary and sharing the greatest message
in the world with people and bringing them closer to Christ! I love
this gospel with all my heart! I love it more and more everyday! I am
privileged to be a missionary but more importantly a representative of
Jesus Christ! Keep the faith!
Con Amor,
Hermana Rackley
Friendship: A Gospel Principle (Mark K. Jensen - General Conference April

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