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Based on the novel you have read, write about a character you feel sorry for.

Support your answer with close reference to the text.

Paragraph 1
Answer the

The novel that I have learnt is Step By Wicked Step By Anne Fine.
This novel is about .
So based on this story, ..

Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence 1
Supporting Detail 1/

Supporting Detail 2

The first reason I feel sorry for Colin is because he is forced to be separated from Jack.
1. Who is Jack?
2. How do Jack and Colin get
3. Is Colin very close to Jack?

4. What were the activities that

show Jack was close with Colin
when they were still together?


The loves between Colin and Jack is so strong and it is saddened to see Colin is forced to leave Jack without any explanation from his

Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence 2
Supporting Detail 1/

Besides that, I feel sad with Colins story because after the separation, Colin is deeply missing Jack.
1. Does Colin become happy
when they leave Jack?
2. What does Colin do to Jacks
tobacco tin?
3. Why the tobacco tin is
important to Colin?
4. Does Colin remember what the
nicknames that Jack used to
call him are?What are the

Supporting Detail 2


5. Does Colin happy in his new

6. Does Colins mother talk to him
about his problem in school?

We see how much Colin misses Jack and it is indeed very heartbreaking.

Paragraph 4
Topic Sentence 3
Supporting Detail 1/

Lastly, I feel sorry for Colin because he does give up hope of one day he and Jack will be together again.
1. How long does Colin think of
2. What does Colin do to keep in
touch with Jack? Does he write
letter and does Jack reply?

Supporting Detail 2

3. What Colin is going to do if he

has enough money?
4. What does Colin do to earn
some money?

Therefore, Colins determination to search for his Dad really touches my heart.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
Summarize the whole
Relate it to your real life

In a nutshell, Colins story is indeed the saddest of all.

1. What do you admire about
2. What moral value that you have
learnt from Colin?

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